Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Day I Got a Migraine from Rolling My Eyes!

THAT was a fun day.  It was my 9th day in a row of working.  We were having a huge event with a huge goal and each day was a marathon.  Every day required super-hero strength and energy.  And every ounce of my being was fighting back.

Yes, I try to stay healthy, eat well, drink plenty of water, enough sleep, etc.  But for this event, there wasn't time for anything like that.  It was go-go-go time.  And my body was screaming stop-stop-stop!

Then the day started.  

I got to work a bit early so I could be prepared for my day with supplies and anything else I might need.  Then, as soon as I walked into the building, our Loss Prevention Manager stopped me and asked me to read and sign a document that outlined an update to our Employee Discount program. (Eye roll #1). I've been in this business for nearly 40 years.  I get it. The discount is not to be shared with friends, blah, blah, blah.  

I tried to get out of reading it and just sign the form, but he called me on that and made me stand there, with 6 other people, reading the form and then signing the document in his presence!  (Eye roll #2).  Was he afraid that I'd sign someone else's name?  Seriously!!!

Then I went to the elevator to bring my supplies to my floor.  ELEVATOR.  BROKEN.  AGAIN.  (Eye roll #3).   So being the team player that I am, I lug all of my things up 3 flights of stairs.  Maybe I can take a quick breather when I get to my floor.  

Wait!  There is a department meeting going on and everyone sees me come in with too many bags of stuff!  Late!!!  

"Sorry I'm late, I had to sign......."  Interrupted.  Keep the meeting going.  Some middle manager is telling everyone the importance of repeating the words: "Would you like to use your **** credit card to take care of your purchase?"  (Eye roll #4)  Now memorize that.
And while we're at it, let's role play saying it to each other.  (Eye roll #5)

After my ninth day in a row, absolutely everything was driving me crazy.  The cackling of the older women talking about the state of the store.  Bursting into unnecessarily loud laughter.  I couldn't take it.  My mind, body and spirit were worn down to a nub.  (Eye roll #6)

Yes! I loved the job I had at the time.  I enjoyed everything I did from day to day.

But this was just too many days in a row. Too intense.  Too high a goal.  Not enough traffic in the store to warrant the high goal.  And NINE DAYS STRAIGHT??? (Eye roll #7)

That day, I went home with the worst headache of my life.  I felt like someone had been chasing me around all day demanding more and more from me.  When I finally was able to leave for the day, I felt as though I was crushed like a Pinot grape.

I rushed home as fast as I could that night.  I didn't eat, I drank a bit of water, washed my face and dragged myself into my bed.  Turns out I wasn't helping myself by rushing to bed the way I did.  If I had known then what I know now!  (Eye roll #8)

END OF THAT DAY.  END OF THAT EVENT (We did make our goal!).

Now.  In 2016, I choose to spend a respectable amount of time making sure I am doing well. I pamper myself when called for.  Mani/pedi, the right amount of sleep, clean, good food, and I use music to change my mood when necessary.  I also spend a great deal of time alone with my thoughts.  Doing this allows me to monitor how I am feeling.  To be aware of what is triggering my thoughts and actions.

So if I'd had that horrible day how up in my life now, I would be well equipped to manage my energy and my attitude.  Equipped to deal with my internal dialog and my external aching feet!  To manage my sweaty armpits and the dark circles under my eyes!

If this day were to show up now, I'd laugh with the Loss Prevention Manager about how seriously he's taking a most likely unenforceable document!

If this day were to read it's ugly little head now, I would remind myself that I was getting great exercise during the time the elevator was out.  I'd reward myself by taking it easy that night!

If this day were to happen again, I would be the loudest role player at the meeting, just to make everyone laugh!  I would either participate in, or walk away from the cackling ladies.  I would remind myself that they are happy ladies and I should be happy for them, rather than impatient.

I also would be smart enough to schedule a massage for a pedicure, so I could stop on my way home that day.  I'd have lots of water around at all times.  I'd make sure I got some exercise in and a good meal before flinging myself into bed.

I would remember to be grateful that I have a job I love, where I get to roll my eyes!  I'd be grateful for the nice people I am blessed to work with every day.  And finally, I'd be grateful for the beautiful life I get to live.  The beautiful place where I get to live!

And then finally, I'd be grateful for LeMetier de Beaute Peau Vierge Corrector/Concealer in Shade 0 because it covers all the ugly spots!  I'd hold my head high, know that I work very hard, and I'd take pride in my accomplishments.  Even the sweaty, difficult ones.

So GO BE GRATEFUL for every second of your sweaty, sticky, cackling, frustrating life. And be grateful that you get to manage those days into exactly what you want them to look like.  Be grateful that life is wonderful!!!


And if you'd like some additional inspiration, visit my Website at:

It is here that you will learn how you can work with me and create the life of your dreams, with no shame, guilt or EYE ROLLING MIGRAINES!!!

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