Sunday, April 24, 2016

Five Things I Learned In France!

Every time I go to France, or any other country, I come home amazed at what I've learned. This time, however, I saw 5 light bulbs go on over my head.  5 shimmering, glimmering disco ball light bulbs!  I'm super excited to share these with you for a couple of reasons.  

First, I want to inspire you to travel.  Get out of your comfort zone, wherever that may be. If you've never left your state, your city, your community, hopefully this will give you a reason to set out on a journey of your own. 

Second, I want to inspire you to recognize how grand and beautiful our world really is. Truly, there is so much to see and to experience.  A travel journey will teach you something every single day.  To realize that we aren't alone on this planet, and to form connections with people who are nothing like us can be life changing!  I highly recommend giving it a try.

Here are the 5 things I've learned from my recent trip to France:

1.  I need to slow my brain down!  Whoa girl, back it down a notch!

Everywhere in Paris, you see people taking long breakfasts and lunches.  You see them sitting at cafe's enjoying their 3rd cafe latte and never once looking at their watches.  So why are we always in such a hurry?  Is it that we're over scheduling ourselves?  Are we sleeping too late in the mornings?  Are we taking too long to get where we want to go?  

Actually, I learned that it is none of those things.  The French have places to be just as we do.  The difference is all in your mind!  We don't necessarily need to move more slowly. What we need to do is stop being so frantic!  The constant running around is crazy making!

Get yourself where you need to go, but get there gracefully.  Walk, don't run.  Saunter, don't sprint.  Plan your activities so that you have time to get where you need to go without the crazy rush!  When you do this, you'll arrive much more polished, poised and confident.  

There is no need to scramble, but there is a need to do a little planning.  Plan for calm. Slow down your mind and enjoy where you're going!  Enjoy the process of getting there.

2.  It only take one or two little steps to look like a supermodel.

The entire time I was in France, I was looking for the runway models on the streets.  Guess what?  They are there, but you can't even tell!  They don't wear Oscar dresses to lunch. They don't wear all of their diamonds to the park!  Their hair isn't perfect every minute of every day!

How do they look so amazing?  One word:  ACCESSORIZE.  Keep your daily wardrobe clean, stylish, but basic.  The fabulosity is in the accessories.  The beautiful pumps or boots.  The Hermes - or Hermes looking - scarf.  The great handbag!  These stylish items paired with your wardrobe of basics, will turn you into the rock star you desire to be! Dress French, baby!

3.  Every picture tells a story!  

In France, people surround themselves with what they have available to them.  Grandma's side table, Mom's linen napkins.  Auntie's pearl earrings.  A framed picture they took while on vacation with their friends or family.  The lovely people I met had beautiful, understated things in their homes and businesses.  When I asked about various items, every one of them had a story behind it and a reason for them to keep it.  

Here in the US, we may not have many family heirlooms, but we can still live this interesting life.  Be sure the items that you purchase for yourself and your home are things that have meaning to you.  If someone were to ask you why you chose something, be sure there is a good reason for having it!  Maybe it reminds you of your favorite relative, or reminds you that you love to travel!  Be sure you are curating your surroundings and not merely accumulating things without thinking it through.

When every item has a story, things become - and YOU become - much more interesting!

4.  People in France do not hate Americans!

And what a relief this was to learn!  Yes, I knew we weren't hated in Paris, but this time, I met some of the friendliest, happiest and most generous people in other areas of France.  I met a beautiful woman who explained the meaning of the American Cemetery in Normandy.  I lovely tour guide spent time with me alone, recommending restaurants to try.  Another sweet girl let her 5 year old play patty cake with me at Mt. St. Michel.  Nice people everywhere!

It all boils down to the Golden Rule.  Do unto others, baby.  Approach others with a friendly smile and 99% of the time you'll get that friendliness and the smile back.  Learn a word or two of the local language and try it on for size!  And above all, don't take yourself too seriously!  Laugh at yourself!  We are not perfect and we must accept that and have a good laugh!!!

We Americans tend to become very impatient when we don't understand something in the first five seconds!  We are not in a microwave!  Please trust me when I say the rest of the world isn't in one either!  Calm down!  Don't get frustrated!  And if you get angry, don't let it show!  People are nice to those who are nice back!!!

The French do not hate Americans!  They hate obnoxious people!  Don't you???

5.  Having it all is relative.

This trip to France taught me that I am very blessed with what I have in my life.  I saw people living in tiny shacks along the train route.  I saw a woman with tattered clothing laughing and playing with her children in the Tuileries in Paris.  I saw a man sitting on a park bench in Montmartre with a woman tear his sandwich in half to share it with her.  I saw an artist in Montmartre walk over to me as I was considering buying a small piece of artwork from a different artist, and join the conversation.  This helped the OTHER artist get the sale.

As I write this with appreciative, teary eyes, I realize that I have been blessed with SO much abundance. I have beautiful friends who are always there for me.  I live in a beautiful building that represents exactly how I want to live.  I drive a safe, respectable car.  In addition to writing to you, I have a job that I go to each day that pays me well and surrounds me with beauty and luxury.  I have wonderful mentors who do not judge me, but encourage me to move forward with my dreams.  I have parents and brothers who love me. I have been able to travel to many parts of the world and experience different cultures.

Yes, my beautiful friend.  I am truly blessed.  I have what I need.  Yes, there are struggles from time to time - just like everyone has.  Sometimes financially oriented, sometimes relationship oriented, sometimes trying my patience.

However, the bottom line is this:  I have all that I need.  And so much more.  I have learned to appreciate little things and I have learned to STOP.  Stop and take a moment to express my gratitude.  Gratitude for YOU, my readers, and for everything else that I have in my life.
With love,

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