Sunday, May 22, 2016

5 Steps to Adding Beauty, Brains and Brilliance to Your Life. Part 2 Brains!

Brains, baby!  That's what we're talking about today.  And I don't mean your IQ, either.  I'm talking about your awareness.  Your decision making ability.  Your environmental scan.  All of these things go into the discussion about BRAINS.

Are you willing to stop and THINK?  Many people just aren't willing to sit still for a few minutes and take the time to actually think about what they need, what they want and love.  These people are living their lives by default.  They are on Auto-Pilot, just going about their day moving mindlessly through tasks.  Going through the motions, not feeling much of anything.  Is this you?  No problem, my dear!  Perhaps it won't be you by the end of this post!  We can only hope!

When you take the time to use your beautiful brain, you will find that the world opens up for you.  Once you discover what you truly love, you can begin to bring those things, feelings, people and places into your life!  Sound good?  Let's get going.

The first step to using your brain is to recognize what is going on around you.  Pull yourself out of auto-pilot mode and pay attention!  Don't make any big changes right away. Give that computer in your head a few days to calculate what is happening in your life.  As you move through your day, pay attention to how you feel.  You might even want to pick up a journal to record how and what you are doing, as you begin to slow down and think!  You can get a kick-a** journal right here!  Write it all down!  What you are doing.  How you are feeling. Do you feel as though you are wasting time?  Do you LOVE what you're doing?  Do you HATE it?  How are you feeling in your surroundings?  Do you feel empowered?  Do you feel as though you are surrounded by beauty?  Comfort?  Keep track of all of it for at least three days.  Once you go back and review what you've written, you'll be able to make some decisions about what you REALLY want in your life!

The second step is to consider your decision-making ability.  Remember that like all of us, there will be a few things you cannot change.  Paying bills, working with your children, going to your day job, for example.  Well, you can't change them right away.  But I am here to tell you, there is ALWAYS a way to make an unpleasant task more enjoyable. Always!  Here are some examples of the types of decisions you will be making as you go through this process:

1.  Do I love my surroundings?  How can I modify them to reflect who I really am and what I love?  This is highly important!  This is where you create your world!  This is where you can change what you are allowing into your life.  We create beauty by managing our surroundings.  Maybe you can clean your house a bit better - or save up so a cleaning lady can come in now and then!  Maybe you should re-cover your sofa and chairs as a way of updating them.  Maybe you should replace that old poster of AC/DC that you have on your wall with something more beautiful.  Maybe you need to declutter your home.  Get rid of all the junk you've been accumulating!  Have a yard sale and use the money from that junk to update things in your home.  And remember, nothing needs to be expensive!  Go get a $5.00 bouquet at the grocery store and a $2.00 vase at the dollar store.  Instant Glamour!!!

2.  Do I love my job?  Some days, I'm sure you do, but are you doing what you LOVE?  Do you need to add a hobby into your life so you feel more fulfilled?  Do you need to look for a new job altogether?  Only you can make this decision, but remember, the world is your runway and you can make any decision you want to make!

3.  Are there other areas in your life where you are feeling depleted?  Do you need to find someone else to pick up your children from school?  Do you need someone else to do your shopping?  There are lots of online services that will send your groceries right to your home!  Yes, this will be more expensive, but would it be worth it to you if you didn't have to perform that task any longer?  Maybe, and that is a decision you have to make. These are decisions that you can make which will immediately impact your life!

4.  Do you need to go back to school?  Finish your degree?  START on your degree?  No one ever said you have to go full time, even taking one class at a time will give you the feeling of making progress!  If this is something you are interested in, begin looking into it right away!  It's NEVER too late to start.  (I did the 25 year part-time plan!)

5.  Which other areas of your life are in need of some decision making TLC?  Make yourself a list of what you've chosen.  Prioritize that list and make some decisions!  YOU CAN DO IT!  And the more decisions you make, the easier it will become to continue making them!

Now, let's quickly discuss your environmental scan.  I have a friend who makes me laugh every day.  Any time I am with Libby and someone would act oblivious, extra loud, or otherwise inappropriate, she would say they had no environmental scan.  That has stayed with me for years.  Do you have a good environmental scanner?  Do you walk around in a daze, bumping into furniture, tripping over nothing (I've done this!), being too loud because you haven't noticed what is going on around you?  Now, I'm not saying don't be yourself.  I'm just saying be aware of what is happening around you.  For example, it would be horrible to tell a risqué joke at a funeral.  It would be horrible to laugh excessively loud in a hospital or a library.  Once you learn that your environmental scan is your friend, you can use it to determine what you love, who you love, what you don't love and what you do and do not want in your life.  Your environmental scan is your ability to pay attention to your surroundings.  For your sake and the sake of others, please develop your ability to pay attention to what is happening around you!  

I am putting this information under the category of Brains because I believe that if you pay attention to what is happening, you'll be better equipped to make decisions and move yourself forward - towards the life you've always wanted to live.

I have a feeling that once you begin to stop and take the time to think about what you truly want your life to look like, the steps to create that life will become clear to you.  And once you begin operating this way, aware of your environment, using your brain, you'll find more and more things that you are capable of doing that you never thought about before!  All it takes is a little time and a little brain power!  You are WELL-EQUIPPED, so let's get going!


PS.  If you would like some more information and inspiration, please visit my website: where you'll learn how you can work with me to start taking action on creating the best life possible!

And please leave me a comment below.  I'd love to know what you think about this post!
Stay tuned for next week's Part 3.  BRILLANCE!!!

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