Friday, December 5, 2014

So what does it feel like???

Wow.  Amazing.  More exciting every day!  THAT is what it feels like to see my book in print!  To hold it in my hands and turn the pages and realize that I did this!!!!!   I almost feel like I gave birth!  

Ok no more bragging!  I just wanted to share that with you because I want you to know how excited I am about this project and how AMAZOIS it feels to have set a goal, done some research, set a deadline and made it happen!

It makes me ask, "What's next for this girl?"  The momentum is quite the energy revver!  I think I made up a word, but who cares!!  I wrote a book!!

What does this have to do with you, you ask?  WELL my GORGEOUS creature, here is the simple truth:

If I can do this, YOU can do it.  There is no magic here.  I just took my own advice and did it.

Honestly, this has been a dream of mine for years!  Many years!  I've written two unpublished books in the past.  I hated them when they were done.  Then false start after false start after false start, I tried to start a work of fiction.  Only to get bored with my story after several weeks and pitch the idea.

Then after some inspiration from Cara Alwill Leyba, I found my subject.  Once that happened everything fell into place.

Now, I'm asking you to let me inspire you!  So tell me this:  What is your lifelong dream?  Do you want to write?  Teach?  Learn?  What would you do if you weren't doing what you're doing now?  Do you have your dream job?  What do you love?  People?  Animals?  Children?


Make a list.....
There's MUCH more to come....

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