If that's the case for you, I totally get it. I've been wanting to write the "Great American Novel" for years. When I was younger, I put together two different books that were never published. They just didn't feel right to me. Then for the past three years or so I started writing my GAN over and over. At least four false starts! Whew! Talk about discouraging! Talk about questioning myself and my thoughts and my abilities!!
Then one day I ran into Cara Alwill Leyba who created The Champagne Diet. ALL of my friends know how amazing she is and how influential she has been in my personal growth! I signed up for one of her group coaching workshops about a year ago thinking I would get myself moving towards my goal! And boy did she ever help me with that!!
One of the biggest things I learned at that time, a year ago, was that I hadn't considered all of my options. I never got clear on what I wanted to write about. It's all well and good to want to write something, but if you're not clear on what it should be, then you can't visualize the outcome!
IMPORTANT LESSON: If you can't envision the outcome, you just might not get an outcome!! Well, at least it worked that way for me.
So a short time after Cara's workshop ended I was going over my notes, and something happened. I had an epiphany. A lightbulb over my head. A champagne pop in my ear. A kick in the Dolce & Gabanna pants.
I'm making light of it, but it stopped me in my tracks and brought me back to something I had heard a million times, but had originally read it in a book at least 25 years ago. In a book written by someone involved with Avon. Remember those Avon ladies? I wish I could get my hands on that book again. The quote was this: "Do what you love and the money will follow." Brilliant. About 5 zillion people have said that over the years and I'm just listening now!
Well here is what happened to me that day. I sat down with a glass of champagne - Cara's idea, but I'm all over it - and I asked myself this question:
What do I love to do? Not what WOULD I love to do, but what do I enjoy most out of the things I do during my day/week/month. What excites me? What do I have fun with?
I know I've always been a task oriented person. I enjoy structure, routine - designed by me, of course darling.
Yes, I love my husband, my family, my job, my dog, blah, blah, blah. But what do I get excited about doing - every time I do it?
Well, I love using my planner /datebook /Daytimer /Franklin /Filofax /DayRunner. Yes, I've had them all. Wh wh what? Excited about a planner? Yes, I have always loved my physical planner. I've tried to keep it all virtual, on my iPad/iPhone over and over, but I always ALWAYS go back to a physical planner.
I love journaling, planning, making lists, scheduling, getting my next planner ready. To me, there is something cleansing and refreshing about the new, clean, unwritten-on planner. It's a fresh start! It's a do-over when you need one! Its New Years Eve goal setting all over again! It's a way to be sure you don't forget something and look stupid! The biggest fear in my life!
Yes, my friends, I was the geek in high school who carried a daytimer! Yes, I'm proud to say that was me.
When I was a kid, when mom and dad would say to my two younger brothers and myself, "Go pick out a toy." I wouldn't go anywhere near the toys! For this girl, it was paper and pens and sharpies and notebooks! Toys? Boring! Give this 8 year old girl something she could write on!!
I even have friends who I've tried to stay in touch with who feel the same way. We are barely in each other's lives anymore, but when I start a new planner, I think of them and I'd bet money they think of me, too. Am I right Deb Garber? Elena Chandler?
Are you seeing where I'm going with this? When I write about it or talk about it, I get really excited! Why was I wasting all that time on trying to write fiction?? I am so passionate and excited about creating this little piece of perfection called 365 Brilliant Days!
It is the PERFECT planner for someone who wants to pull it all together, get in control, get clarity, and MAKE THINGS HAPPEN in her life! And it's your journal! Your task lists! Your shopping lists! All in one place!!
Woo hoo!! There are not enough exclamation marks in the world to describe how excited I am about this project!!!
So. Back to that amazing feeling I wanted to share with you a hundred sentences ago....
Yesterday, I submitted my final copy to the publisher for their FINAL review. Now, they are sending me a proof for MY final review. And it will be available to purchase on Amazon within the next few days! AAAAaaaaaa!!! Can you BELIEVE it????
I actually accomplished a goal that I've had for many, many years. It took me a while to get clear on what I wanted this to look like. I am so excited about this planner because I can't wait to start using it myself!!! It is absolutely perfect!!! You are going to love it!!
In the end, I have to give tons of credit to Cara. Remember I said I did her workshop about a year ago. Well, I signed up for that same course again - this time with an idea in mind! I was excited about all the encouragement I got from the workshop but what really struck me was that I was getting more and more passionate as the workshop progressed!
I would highly recommend that everyone get involved with Cara and get into one on her workshops. If you have an idea or even if you don't yet. You'll get one!!
There is no better feeling than knowing I accomplished this goal and created something that is going to be of value to so many women everywhere!!
Well, actually,....it's gonna feel even better when I finally get that book into my little hands!!! And into your little hands!!
So here's to Cara! And here's to you! Get your idea together. Life is short. Do it now! Join me for a celebratory glass or two of champagne??
With passion and brilliant love,
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