Saturday, November 29, 2014

Super cute...and Brilliant!!

Hello my friends!  I am super excited to share with you that both Volume 1 and Volume 2 of the 365 Brilliant Days Planner are available on!!

Volume 1 will cover January thru June 2015
Volume 2 will cover July thru December 2015

So who needs this planner?  YOU do!  If you are:
Entrepreneurial at all
If you love to stay organized
If you want to get organized
If you have goals you want to meet
If you need to set some goals
If you want to learn to set goals, or
If you want to become organized for the first time!
If you could use some daily inspiration to keep you moving!
.....this planner is for you.

Also, each day includes an area for journaling.  Most of us have tried journaling.  Most of us go buy a pretty blank book, write in it for a few weeks - or a few days - and the book ends up on a shelf or in a drawer, along with the other pretty books we started writing in.  Here's the difference with "365" - your journal and your planner are in the same book.  Every day.  On the same page as your appointments.  And also on the same page are the following;  your to do list, your people to contact, your errands to run.  All in the same place.  Every day.  That alone is empowering.  This is a book you'll never want to let out of your sight.  This book IS you!  And you will never feel more accomplished than you will once you dive into this!!

I don't want to leave out this important section... "Today I am Celebrating..."  What???  That's right my loves.  Every day,  and I mean EVERY DAY I want you to choose something to celebrate!  Some days it will be a big accomplishment!  Some days it will be that you got home in one piece!  Some days it will be that you didn't harm your boss!  There is always something to celebrate with a glass of champagne, or sparkling water!  You will have many things to toast to once you begin living what you've planned for yourself rather than just letting life happen randomly to you.

I worked very hard to make this available going into DECEMBER, because I truly believe that it is the perfect gift for yourself, or for any female friend you have!  Personally, I will be giving both Volume 1 and Volume 2, wrapped in a cute ribbon with a girly pen tied to it, to several of my friends. So, why not give someone you care about the gift of confidence and empowerment!  Everyone uses some type of planner.  This one just comes with the added benefit of personal growth!  Plus it's super cute!!

Any woman from ages 16 to 70 will love this, I promise!

Also, I want to share with you that I will be offering a Goal Setting Workshop where you will learn to set goals in all areas of your life track them in your "365."  I will offer live, in person workshops for those who are nearby as well as "phone-shops" for everyone else!   More info on this coming soon!

In the meantime, I hope I've given you some good ideas to consider.  Please let me know what you think.

With Passion and Brilliant Love,

Thursday, November 27, 2014

So very thankful...

Gosh, where do I start?  

This Thanksgiving and every day, I am grateful for so many things and people.  

I have had amazing support from my friends and family in the writing and publishing of my book.  People have been asking me every day when it would be ready, as well as cheering me along the way.  

My goal has been to get it ready before Thanksgiving.  Since it's a planner, I wanted people to have the opportunity to get it for themselves before New Years and purchase it as a Holiday gift if they want!  And thanks to all the support I've received, been able to accomplish that goal.

Also, I am thankful for my family.  My wonderful, supportive husband Robert is the best thing that ever happened to me and I am thankful for him every day.

My grand babes make me feel thankful every day as well.  They teach me things all the time.

There are so many people I am thankful for that if I listed names, this blog would go on forever....BUT...I am going to try!

Robert, Bonnie, Brandon, Zoe, Ava, Bobbi, Shaylin, Madison, Brandon, Mom Addie, Dad Hank, Step-mom Diane, Brother Ed, Joshua, Jordan, Rachael, Brother Dick, Angie, Richard, Kayla, and the whole crew.  And that's just the Fam!!

Cara Alwill Leyba, Connie, all the chickadees at work.  And the chickaboys, too.

I'm so grateful for all that I have and all the opportunities that I am presented with every day.  I'm humbled and honored.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!  Enjoy every minute!


Saturday, November 22, 2014

IT. HaPpEnEd!!!!

After all the stress and figuring out how it all works, my first book, "365 Brilliant Days, Vol. 1" is available for purchase on!!!

I am so excited I don't know what to do with myself - other than get going on Volume 2!!!

So for those of you who have been waiting:

The first proof I received of the book was so thick and heavy, you would have thought I had written Gone with the Wind!  I had to find a way to make it more user friendly and light weight!!!  I decided the best way to accomplish this was to divide the book into two volumes:

Volume 1 covers January 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015.  

Volume 2 covers July 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015.  

Each volume is $24.69.
(Vol. 2 coming soon)

I am so excited about this project because I know it will empower you to set and meet goals in all the important areas of your life as well as move you forward, towards being the person you truly want to become.

I hope you all will take a leap of faith and order the book for yourself.  I know it will organize you immediately.  It won't always be easy, but you will be so proud of what you can accomplish when you are empowered to make thing happen!

As my beautiful friend Cara Alwill Leyba says, "Decide who you want to be and go be her!"

Well here is a perfect opportunity to get yourself where you want to be and be the person you choose to be!!

Please check it out on!!

Side note:  what a great holiday gift this book will be for someone who needs a little bit of empowerment!!!  This book is appropriate for any woman from age 16 to 70!

I can't wait to hear how you like it!!!

With Passion and Brilliant Love,

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

How it feels...

Today, I am sharing an amazing feeling with you.  Have you ever wanted to do something so badly that you just had to find a way to make it happen?  I'm sure you have felt that way at one time or another.  Maybe you did it, or maybe you just pushed the feeling aside because it seemed like it would take too much time or too much brain power at an already maxed out time in your life.

If that's the case for you, I totally get it.  I've been wanting to write the "Great American Novel" for years.  When I was younger, I put together two different books that were never published.  They just didn't feel right to me.  Then for the past three years or so I started writing my GAN over and over.  At least four false starts!  Whew!  Talk about discouraging!  Talk about questioning myself and my thoughts and my abilities!!

Then one day I ran into Cara Alwill Leyba who created The Champagne Diet.  ALL of my friends know how amazing she is and how influential she has been in my personal growth!  I signed up for one of her group coaching workshops about a year ago thinking I would get myself moving towards my goal!  And boy did she ever help me with that!!  

One of the biggest things I learned at that time, a year ago, was that I hadn't considered all of my options.  I never got clear on what I wanted to write about.  It's all well and good to want to write something, but if you're not clear on what it should be, then you can't visualize the outcome!  

IMPORTANT LESSON:  If you can't envision the outcome, you just might not get an outcome!!  Well, at least it worked that way for me.

So a short time after Cara's workshop ended I was going over my notes, and something happened.  I had an epiphany.  A lightbulb over my head.  A champagne pop in my ear.  A kick in the Dolce & Gabanna pants. 

I'm making light of it, but it stopped me in my tracks and brought me back to something I had heard a million times, but had originally read it in a book at least 25 years ago.  In  a book written by someone involved with Avon.  Remember those Avon ladies?  I wish I could get my hands on that book again.  The quote was this:  "Do what you love and the money will follow."  Brilliant.  About 5 zillion people have said that over the years and I'm just listening now!

Well here is what happened to me that day.  I sat down with a glass of champagne - Cara's idea, but I'm all over it - and I asked myself this question:

What do I love to do?  Not what WOULD I love to do, but what do I enjoy most out of the things I do during my day/week/month.  What excites me?  What do I have fun with?

I know I've always been a task oriented person.  I enjoy structure, routine - designed by me, of course darling.  

Yes, I love my husband, my family, my job, my dog, blah, blah, blah.  But what do I get excited about doing - every time I do it?

Well, I love using my planner /datebook /Daytimer /Franklin /Filofax /DayRunner.  Yes, I've had them all.  Wh wh what?  Excited about a planner?  Yes, I have always loved my physical planner.  I've tried to keep it all virtual, on my iPad/iPhone over and over, but I always ALWAYS go back to a physical planner.  

I love journaling, planning, making lists, scheduling, getting my next planner ready.  To me, there is something cleansing and refreshing about the new, clean, unwritten-on planner.  It's a fresh start!  It's a do-over when you need one!  Its New Years Eve goal setting all over again!  It's a way to be sure you don't forget something and look stupid!  The biggest fear in my life!  

Yes, my friends, I was the geek in high school who carried a daytimer!  Yes, I'm proud to say that was me.  

When I was a kid, when mom and dad would say to my two younger brothers and myself, "Go pick out a toy."  I wouldn't go anywhere near the toys!  For this girl, it was paper and pens and sharpies and notebooks!  Toys? Boring!  Give this 8 year old girl something she could write on!!

I even have friends who I've tried to stay in touch with who feel the same way.  We are barely in each other's lives anymore, but when I start a new planner, I think of them and I'd bet money they think of me, too.  Am I right Deb Garber?  Elena Chandler? 

Are you seeing where I'm going with this?  When I write about it or talk about it, I get really excited!  Why was I wasting all that time on trying to write fiction??  I am so passionate and excited about creating this little piece of perfection called 365 Brilliant Days!

It is the PERFECT planner for someone who wants to pull it all together, get in control, get clarity, and MAKE THINGS HAPPEN in her life!  And it's your journal! Your task lists!  Your shopping lists!  All in one place!!

Woo hoo!!  There are not enough exclamation marks in the world to describe how excited I am about this project!!!

So.  Back to that amazing feeling I wanted to share with you a hundred sentences ago....

Yesterday, I submitted my final copy to the publisher for their FINAL review.  Now, they are sending me a proof for MY final review.  And it will be available to purchase on Amazon within the next few days!  AAAAaaaaaa!!!  Can you BELIEVE it????

I actually accomplished a goal that I've had for many, many years.  It took me a while to get clear on what I wanted this to look like.  I am so excited about this planner because I can't wait to start using it myself!!!  It is absolutely perfect!!!  You are going to love it!!

In the end, I have to give tons of credit to Cara.  Remember I said I did her workshop about a year ago.  Well, I signed up for that same course again - this time with an idea in mind!  I was excited about all the encouragement I got from the workshop but what really struck me was that I was getting more and more passionate as the workshop progressed!

would highly recommend that everyone get involved with Cara and get into one on her workshops.  If you have an idea or even if you don't yet.  You'll get one!!

There is no better feeling than knowing I accomplished this goal and created something that is going to be of value to so many women everywhere!!

Well, actually,'s gonna feel even better when I finally get that book into my little hands!!!  And into your little hands!!

So here's to Cara!  And here's to you!  Get your idea together.  Life is short.  Do it now!  Join me for a celebratory glass or two of champagne??

With passion and brilliant love, 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

How to be Productive When You Have the Flu.

Nice!  I have been looking forward to this super-valuable-when-you-work-in-retail three day weekend for weeks!  The plan was to clean up the house, rest, color my hair, rest, watch movies, do some writing, rest, rest and put up the Christmas decorations, then rest.

Things didn't go exactly as planned.  As soon as I walked in the door, on my last day of work, I felt myself get hit in the head with a splitting headache.  And it all went down hill from there.  Weak, achy, snotty, sneezy, hot, cold, ears hurting, coughing.  Ugh.  How am I going to get anything done like this?

Here's how!!!  I just told everyone they would have to fend for themselves for the weekend.  I'm very lucky, because everyone is ok with that!  I planted myself in front of my computer, in my warmest pajamas, which, 2 days later I am still wearing.  I know....gross.  But I'm sick.  Give me a break.  
And I started to work on the 365 Brilliant Days Planner.  And I worked, and worked, and wrote and wrote.  I had a mild, NyQuil induced coma, and then worked some more.

There was about an hour when I felt like I had a bit of energy so I quickly put up the Christmas Tree for the girls to decorate.  It's pretty awesome, even with no decorations, because it has pine cones and random other leaves on it.  Anyway, BIG mistake.  As soon as it was up, I had to lay down for an hour or so.  Sent my poor husband to the store for miscellaneous bottles of cold and flu medication.  And apples.  Gotta have those.  

So.  If you've made it this far in my little pity party, you may be asking where, exactly is the productivity in all of this?  

Well here it comes:  Drum roll, please............365 Brilliant Days is done!  And has been sent off for final editing!!  If all goes well, it will be available to purchase on Amazon in about a week!  Maybe sooner!!

I am sick as a dog, and super excited all at the same time.  So I'm giddy and achy.  Cheering and whining.  Dancing - in my head - and snotty-nosed.  High fiveing and passing out.  It's an interesting dichotomy of feelings.  But the bottom line is, I'm proud as shit!!  

It's amazing what you can accomplish when you are laser focused.  And once you begin using  your own 365 planner, you will be able to laser focus yourself on what you want to accomplish, as well.  Hopefully, without the mini- coma!

I am so proud of this planner because I know it's going to empower you to get done what is most important to you!!!

Stay tuned for the launch!  It's coming soon!!

Passionately and slightly NyQuil buzzed,

P.S.  What an amazing Holiday gift this planner is going to be!!  How awesome you will be, giving the gift of time, organization, and clarity!!!  You rock star, you!

And now.....ZZZZZZzzzzzzz.............. back to my coma.

Monday, November 10, 2014

A Little Monday Funday! HELP!!!

Before I move on to the SUPER-FUN goal setting for YOU.....  Let me share something with you.

The following is my second first draft of the wording on the back of my book:

"365 Brilliant Days."

I would love for you to read it an comment on what you think of it.  And please be honest.  I am looking for some constructive feedback on what this should look like.  I hope everyone will leave a comment for me!

Subtitle:  Creating a brilliant life.  One day at a time.

Here's the wording:

Allow me to introduce you to your most passionate, organized self!

If you are ready to claim your power and celebrate your brilliance, you are in the right place!  Within the pages of the newly designed 365 Brilliant Days planner, I will give you everything you need to create and manage all of the fabulous areas of your life.  From Personal to Business to Family to Dreams and Goals, you now have the PERFECT place to express yourself, journal, record, and beautifully create you newly fabulous and BRILLIANT life!

Go get yourself a pretty pen!  This book has been designed just for you!  Congratulations on making a BEAUTIFUL DECISION!

With Passion and Brilliant Love,


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

That PESKY Goal setting....ugh...Finance.

First let me say I am no financial genius.  Just ask my don't.

I'm not going to preach or suggest that I know any more than you do about finance.  What I will tell you is that setting financial goals is very important.  Duh.  You know that.

Finance is a very personal issue.  We tend to get in a bit of debt when we're young, don't we?  For whatever reason, some crazy-ass bank sent me a credit card when I was only 18.  It was pretty much down hill from there for me.  For a while anyway.  Now, I am an honest person so I'll admit that I carry a bit of credit card debt.  It's so easy to get what you want that way!!  I am working on it!

It's super important that you pay attention to this and not let it get too far away from you.  Here's why: 

 Imagine that you have one card that is maxed out.  Then you need something else so you open an instant account at a department store.  Next thing you know, that one is maxed out.  Then another.  Then another.  The next thing you know, you can only afford to pay the minimum payments on all of those maxed out cards.  The interest rate will really hurt.  You'll pay and pay and pay and those bills will seem to never go away.  If this is you, then you have dug yourself under.  And it is going to take some hard work to get out.

So how can you avoid this nightmare?  Set yourself a few fabulous, exciting, sparkly goals, my diva!

Goal one:  If you do have a balance on a card, get that bitch paid off!  You are going to have to find something to do with yourself other than shopping.  How about cleaning your place?  Reading?  Babysitting?  How about spending a few months with family.  Or maybe with a friend who wants to eliminate some debt herself!  A buddy system!  How about learning something?  There are a million things you can learn just by getting on the Internet.  There are a million movies you can watch on Netflix!  Get a good book.  Start a journal to write down how all of this feels!

I know, I know.  None of these ideas are as much fun as spending the day at Nordstrom Rack or Neimans Last Call.  But once you set the goal of getting out of debt, you absolutely MUST find something to do other than spending.  Believe me, it's worth it.

This short term pain for long term gain will be the best thing you ever did for yourself.   For several reasons:

1.  You can say you did it!  And take pride in that!
2.  You'll have the freedom of using your money to enjoy a great quality of life, rather than making painful payments to some nasty bank!
3.  You will have learned your lesson!
4.  You won't have the worry of what will happen if you have an emergency and no money to take care of it.
5.  The biggest thing you'll get out of this process is this:  You will learn to be alone.  You'll learn to find ways to amuse yourself.  You'll learn what you love and what you don't.  You will be empowered by knowing that you accomplished this on your own.

So about those goals...

1.  Savings account.  Get 6 months salary in the bank as your emergency fund.
2.  What do you want/need?  Do you want to buy a house? A sexy condo?  Save up a down payment!
3.  Do you want to take a fabulous vacation?  Bora Bora?  Maui?  Paris?  Go get the brochures!  Put them by your bed or in your kitchen, or somewhere you'll see them every day.  Keep them nearby so when you are tempted to throw your hard earned money away on some red soled shoes, or a sparkly ring, you can remind yourself of what you're giving up by making that purchase.

It's truly all about priorities.  What is really important to you?  If you're smart - and sister, we both know you are - what you want, need and dream about is the S-word.  SECURITY.   Yes, you may find Mr. Right, and he may have just inherited billions of dollars, and he may want to worship the ground you walk on....but really, how often does that happen?  Christian "50 Shades" Grey is FICTION.

We all need to be able to provide for ourselves.  Even if you do find Mr. Superwealth,  you need to know that you can do it yourself.  There is nothing better for our self-esteem than knowing that WE call the shots, and WE get to choose.  If something changes in your life and you have to make it on your own, you can do it!

YOU have the power to get in control of everything financial in your life.  Once that happens, you get to make smart, healthy choices.  Not desperate ones.  Not needy ones.



And more.....