I'm talking about freeing up disc space in that beautiful mind of yours! I'm talking about eliminating some of the brain clutter we all have by writing a few things down, which in turn will enable you to focus on what you really want to do. Whether it's focusing on your children, your husband, your job or even a good book! Have you ever started watching a movie and ½ hour into it you have no idea what is going on? I get it. I have felt that way too! That beautiful brain disc space is FULL!
Sometimes we keep so many things juggling in our minds that we can't think clearly at all!
Someone we all know once said, "Don't waste time trying to remember anything you can write down and look up later." That was Albert Einstein. Pretty smart for a guy, right?
He also said, "You will eliminate 50% of your daily stress by creating a list of what you need to do the night before." That works for me, how about you? 50% of my stress gone? Sign me up!
Wouldn't it be nice to know that your mind is free to really enjoy that glass of champagne because everything you need to do is resting in its place and waiting quietly for you when you're ready for it? Finally nothing nagging at you! No scary feeling that you might be forgetting something. How freeing would that be???
Wouldn't learning to compartmentalize your tasks, plans, and your feelings be a wonderful skill for you to master? How free would you feel if you didn't have to keep juggling all of those balls up in the air any longer? You will be in a place where you can decide what you're going to focus on, when you are ready to focus on it. You will have the energy to deal with it, or him, or her, or them. It makes me excited just to think about letting go of certain things. Are you getting a little excited yet?
Now I don't mean at all, that your problems, concerns or priorities are going away. Actually, quite the opposite. I'm talking about putting you into a place where you are completely powerful and capable of handling all of the tasks, drama, jobs, and responsibilities, that come into your life. Handling each one of them confidently, smoothly, happily and productively. With a clear and focused mindset. And not only that! Because you will get to this place of empowerment where your "must-dos" are concerned, you will be able to manage your personal "want-to-dos" far more beautifully.
You'll be able to plan your down time, schedule time for your interests, family, your hobbies, all of it. Where is the joy in scheduling the fun things? Well let me tell you, when you are freed up to truly focus on your leisure time, you will relax more, laugh more, love more and make better decisions and better memories. You won't have your work life or obligation life weighing you down. It will all be so well managed that you will feel like a new person with all of the worlds' troubles finally OFF your shoulders.
Does this sound like something you could benefit from? Let me tell you this: I KNOW you will benefit from this. So will the people around you.
Let me tell you how. I'll start by telling you where I was with my disorganized life.....